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Bad Hit Registration

Bad hit registration

What is bad hit registration?

Bad hit registration is a phenomenon that occurs when the server does not accurately register the player's shots. This can lead to the player being killed by an enemy that they did not see, or to the player not being able to kill an enemy that they were clearly shooting at.

What causes bad hit registration?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to bad hit registration, including:

  • Lag: Lag is a major cause of bad hit registration. When the player's computer is not receiving information from the server in a timely manner, it can lead to the player's shots being registered incorrectly.
  • Packet loss: Packet loss is another major cause of bad hit registration. When the player's computer does not receive all of the information that the server is sending, it can lead to the player's shots being registered incorrectly.
  • Server settings: The server settings can also contribute to bad hit registration. If the server's rate is set too low, it can lead to the player's shots being registered incorrectly.

How to fix bad hit registration

There are a number of things that players can do to try to fix bad hit registration, including:

  • Reducing lag: Players can reduce lag by connecting to a server that is close to their physical location, by using a wired connection instead of a wireless connection, and by closing any unnecessary programs that are running on their computer.
  • Reducing packet loss: Players can reduce packet loss by using a wired connection instead of a wireless connection, by closing any unnecessary programs that are running on their computer, and by using a VPN.
  • Adjusting server settings: Players can adjust the server settings by changing the rate. The best setting for rate is 80 of the player's bandwidth. If the player's internet connection is 10mbits or faster, then they should set their rate to 97000.
